
Both public- and private-sector clients rely on ATANE to provide environmental services for residential, commercial and industrial settings and to guide them through complex environmental policy and regulations.

Our Environmental Department also offers invaluable experience in integrating environmental risk management with land use planning and sustainable development for both urban and rural environments. Its specialized staff is adept at environmental due diligence, site assessment and investigation; hazardous material assessment and abatement; remediation and reuse of contaminated properties; waste management design; remedial design and oversight; engineering design, environmental impact assessment and planning; and environmental compliance rezoning and permitting.

Green Infrastructure

Urban communities across the country are turning to green infrastructure as a cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution to stormwater management.

Green infrastructure includes bioswales, tree planting, green roofs, rain gardens, rain barrels, low-maintenance native planting, and permeable pavements that capture and infiltrate rain water into the ground before it enters the sewer system. In addition to reducing the volume of stormwater, green infrastructure reduces the pollution loads on treatment plants. ATANE employs Best Management Practices to minimize the environmental impacts of urban stormwater runoff affecting natural wetland systems.

Green Infrastructure

Ocean County Subsurface Gravel Wetland BMP

ATANE provided design, environmental permitting and construction management services for a $6 million stormwater best management practices project that used a relatively new approach of constructing subsurface gravel wetlands to improve water quality for runoff that discharges into Barnegat Bay. The overall program called for retrofitting seven stormwater management facilities with underground wetlands to reduce nitrogen loading to the bay.

ATANE was assigned one of these facilities, which involved analyzing and redesigning an existing stormwater facility to function as a subsurface gravel wetland. The modified facility stores rainfall and routes it through flow control components to clean and remove nitrogen before discharging it. The result was a substantial water quality improvement to each facility while maintaining the flood control capabilities of the basins.

Green Infrastructure

Staten Island West Shore Stormwater Engineering Study

ATANE, as a team member, is providing environmental and civil engineering services to the Staten Island Economic Development Corporation as part of an effort to improve the economic future of Staten Island’s West Shore through a variety of initiatives, including effective stormwater management, drainage planning, road restructuring, and infrastructure resiliency.

We are helping to prepare a stormwater engineering study and flood resiliency plan that will identify and address the constraints to growth on the West Shore—home to the largest collection of undeveloped land in New York City. Tasks include identifying and prioritizing the construction of new green infrastructure; evaluating and determining strategic sites for green infrastructure projects; developing an annual maintenance program focused on scheduled, preventive, and corrective maintenance; and recommending future strategies to upgrade and construct stormwater facilities.

Remediation and Site Restoration

Our remediation and site restoration projects involve paint removal from structural steel and other materials, lead and asbestos abatement, high-pressure water blasting, surface preparation and rehabilitation, and other services designed and implemented to produce minimally disruptive impact and optimally restorative and protective results.

Employing our knowledge of federal, state and local laws and regulations governing hazardous waste handling, removal, storage and disposal, we work closely with owners and clients to reduce environmental degradation and fully protect the natural landscape within and surrounding restoration and remediation sites.

Remediation and Site Restoration

Corporate Park Drive Asbestos Abatement and Community Air Monitoring

ATANE performed asbestos and community air monitoring during the demolition of three former office buildings located at 106, 108 and 110 Corporate Park Drive in Harrison, NY.  Following demolition, Wegmans Family Markets plans to construct a two-story premium supermarket with a cafe and 736 parking spaces, plus an 8,000-square-foot retail building on the 2-acre site.  The entry road to the store will be converted to a roundabout.
The town has promoted the project as the latest step to retool older, underused office properties along the I-287 corridor, often referred to as the Platinum Mile.

The three 1970-era office buildings, as well as a maintenance garage, were demolished over an approximate 6-month period. The community air monitoring program monitored whether airborne and dust particulates were migrating off site and their potential effect on the surrounding community, including an adjacent day care center.


Remediation and Site Restoration

Solar Carve

ATANE provided environmental engineering services for the remediation of 23,500-square-foot sites at Tenth Avenue and West 13th Street in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District, next to the elevated High Line park, due to the presence of petroleum-related volatile organic compounds in groundwater. This 12-story mixed-use commercial space, to be called Solar Carve, will be approximately 160,000 square feet of two floors of luxury retail and ten floors of office space.

Work included excavation down to 18 feet from the ground surface level. Soil was excavated to accommodate the proposed cellar and building foundation elements to about 14 feet below grade surface (bgs). The proposed elevator and sump pit excavations were extended to about 16 feet bgs. ATANE is also providing consulting services on an as-needed basis for water sampling, soil sampling, environmental oversight, soil disposal tracking, and a waste characterization study.



Wetlands preservation requires an awareness of legislative requirements such as environmental testing, design, permitting, and agency jurisdictions as an essential first step in providing effective, long-lasting protection. 

ATANE brings to wetland projects an in-depth knowledge and expertise that underlies the effectiveness of our environmental engineering practice.  We can select from and implement various techniques for protecting and enhancing environmentally sensitive areas, such as open and enclosed drainage systems, detention basins, stormwater controls, landscaping, erosion control, and other Best Management Practices.


Ocean County Subsurface Gravel Wetlands BMP

ATANE provided design, environmental permitting and construction management services for a $6 million stormwater best management practices project that used a relatively new approach of constructing subsurface gravel wetlands to improve water quality for runoff that discharges into Barnegat Bay. The overall program called for retrofitting seven stormwater management facilities with underground wetlands to reduce nitrogen loading to the bay.

ATANE was assigned one of these facilities, which involved analyzing and redesigning an existing stormwater facility to function as a subsurface gravel wetland. The modified facility stores rainfall and routes it through flow control components to clean and remove nitrogen before discharging it. The result was a substantial water quality improvement to each facility while maintaining the flood control capabilities of the basins.